Friday, July 24, 2009

Model/Hospital Worker To Be Caned For Drinking Beer

KUALA LUMPUR, July 25 — Datuk Abdullah Mohd Zain, religious adviser to the prime minister, has brushed aside criticisms that an Islamic court ruling to cane a woman for drinking beer is harsh, saying she had broken the law.

Abdullah told The Straits Times yesterday that Muslim women leaders who criticised the court’s decision did not know that syariah caning is “not as brutal as the civil court’s corporal punishment”.

“Criticisms are normal, but it is not fair for non-Muslims to criticise the syariah law. The Muslims criticise it because they do not know how the caning is done.”

He was commenting on the Syariah High Court ruling in Pahang on Monday which sentenced a 32-year-old Malaysian woman, Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarnor, to six strokes of the cane.

“Not many Malaysian Muslims know what syariah caning is like, that is why they are shocked over the punishment,” said Abdullah, adviser on Islamic issues to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Under an Act on Islam in Malaysia that was passed in 1984, the female offender must sit when being caned. The officer will use a smooth branch or rotan that is slightly thinner than those used to whip men in a civil court punishment. The officer must not raise his hand higher than his shoulder to ensure that the caning is moderate.

But women leaders including Islamic law experts, social activists and politicians condemned the punishment, the first time that a woman would face judicial caning.

“From my experience, in nearly all cases, the normal practice is for the judge to take into consideration all the facts and mitigating factors. The offenders will usually be fined,” said Universiti Malaya Islamic criminal law expert Siti Zubaidah Ismail in the New Straits Times yesterday.

Women’s Aid Organisation executive director Ivy Josiah said: “We are mortified that a court would even consider imposing caning on a woman, especially when women are exempted from caning under the penal code.”

But other religious leaders and syariah lawyers felt that the punishment was not unjust.

“Punishment like caning and stoning have existed in Islam but we will not see it being carried out in Malaysia as long as the country is governed by secularists,” said Parti Islam SeMalaysia spiritual leader Nik Aziz Nik Mat.

Kartika, a Singapore permanent resident, was caught by the Islamic authorities for drinking beer while on a holiday with friends in Cherating, Pahang, two years ago. She pleaded guilty last year. She was also fined RM5,000.

Her father, Shukarnor Abdul Mutalib, told The Straits Times that Kartika is now resting in their family home in Perak.

“I’m not asking for the court to punish my daughter, but I just want them to carry out the decision that they’ve made.

“But now that the case has become a national issue, let’s see how they are going to do it,” said the 62-year-old businessman.

He also clarified that Kartika was a hospital worker in Singapore, and not a model as reported by the media. — Straits Times


Baru-baru ini Malaysia dipeningkan dengan kes seorang hakim menjatuhkan hukuman rotan kepada wanita yang meminum arak.Kes ini dipencilkan kerana mungkin akan menimbulkan krisis diantara negara dan juga badan-badan yang terlibat. Namun, kita lihat tidak kurang pihak2 terjun memberikan pandangan dan semestinya antara yang lantang mempertahankan pelaku maksiat adalah Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil selaku Menteri Pembangunan Wanita dan Masyarakat. Dr Lo' Lo pula sebagai wakil PAs memberikan pujian kepada keberanian si hakim dalam melaksana hukuman yang mungkin nampak sebagai hudud.

Realitinya kita tidak terkejut apabila masyarakat bangkit mempersoal segala bentuk hukuman yang dilandaskan pada Islam, baik dari muslim sendiri, dan tidak lekang pula kritik dari bukan muslim.Ini adalah kerana setelah dijajah dan hingga kini, mafahim mereka tentang Islam dan hudud, jauh sekali dari kebenaran. Apa yang ada hanyalah tanggapan2 bahawa Islam itu suatu deen yang kejam dan tidak berperikemanusiaan. langsung mereka menidakkan hukum2 Allah dengan berkata Islam bukan agama yang zalim, Islam bukan agama yang menghukum dan sebagainya. Jelas bahawa reaksi masyarakat adalah disebabkan tidak ditanam aqidah islamiyah dalam pendidikan baik kepada muslim ataupun tidak, supaya mereka boleh nampak bahawa Islam adalah agama dan cara hidup yang sempurna. Namun, disebabkan berkaratnya ideologi kapitalis dan sekularisma dalam masyarakat muslim khususnya di Malaysia, maka bangkitnya mereka melatah disebabkan ada pihak cuba melaksanakan hukum hudud, adalah suatu perkara yang lumrah.

Namun, persoalan disini, walaupun usaha hakim mahkamah tersebut dalam melaksanakan hukum tersebut, diberi pujian oleh segelintir golongan dan ada golongan yang menyokong kuat tindakan tersebut, adakah ia sebenarnya syar'ie?Adakah ianya sebenarnya mengikut aturan yang ditetapkan oleh Quran dan Sunnah Rasulullah?

Allah SWT berfirman : Hai orang-orang yang beriman, sesungguhnya meminum khamar, berjudi,berkorban ntuk berhala, mengundi nasib dengan panah adalah perbuatan keji termasuk perbuatan syaitan. Maka jauhilah perbuatan-perbuatan itu agar kamu mendapat keberuntungan. (TQS Al-Maidah 90-91)

Sabda Rasulullah SAW dari Abi Sa'id : Sesungguhnya Allah telah mengharamkan khamar. Barangsiapa membaca ayat in, sedangkan ia memiliki khamar, janganlah meminum dan menjualnya. Abu Sa'id berkata "Kemudian semua orang yang memiliki khamar keluar menuju ke jalan-jalan Madinah, lalu menumpahkannya".

Dari Ibnu 'Umar rasulullah SAW bersabda : Setiap yang memabukkan adalah khamar, dan setiap yang memabukkan adalah haram.

Jelas disini, umum memahami perkara yang memabukkan adalah haram. Namun bagaimana dengan pelaksanaannya? Adakah seperti persoalan yang pertama tadi, hukuman yang diberi itu benar2 syar'ie?

Diriwayatkan dari Nabi SAW, baginda bersabda : Barangsiapa meminum khamar maka jilidlah!

Jilid disini bermaksut sebat ataupun sebatan. Maka hukum jilid/sebatan yang dikenakan hakim kepada si pelaku tadi adalah benar. Persoalan yang lain, berapa pula bilangan sebatannya?

Abli Bin Abi Thalib RA berkata : Nabi SAW menjilid 40 kali, Abu Bakar 40 kali, Umar 80 kali dan semuanya adalah sunnah.

Imam Tirmidzi mengeluarkan dari Abi Sa'id : Bahawa Rasulullah SAW memukul para peminum khamar sebanyak 40 kali dengan pelepah kurma.

Maka disini jelas bahawa Rasul dan para sahabat tidak menyebat peminum khamar dengan 6 kali sebatan, tetapi 40 - 80 kali bergntung kepada ijtihad masing2. Umar berijtihad 80 kali atas sebab sepertimana yang disebutkan oleh Ali RA iaitu ; Jika minum ia akan mabuk, jika mabuk ia akan bicara kacau, jika bicara kacau ia akan berbohong dan bagi orang yang berbohong 80 kali sebatan.

Bagaimana pula dengan apa yang telah ditetapkan hakim tadi? Memang cara melaksana yakni tidak meninggikan tangan dan sebagainya adalah cara yang syar'ie namun bilangan sebatan yang menjadi intipati hukuman itu adakah bertepatan sepertimana yang dianjurkan rasulullah ataupun tidak? Jelas tidak. Persoalan yang lebih mendalam ialah, apakah kadar hukuman yang dijatuhkan tadi menepati aturan Allah dan Rasul, atau menepati aturan Kafir Lord Reid?

Kita juga jelas bahawa undang-undang syariah di negara kita tertakluk kepada hukum 356 yakni 3tahun penjara, denda RM500 dan 6kali sebatan. Dari sudut apa yang boleh dipuji tindakannya sekiranya hukum yang dilaksanakan tdak bertepatan dengan Quran dan Sunnah? Hanya sekadar beraninya menghukum wanita?

Tidak ada niat dalam mengkritik hakim, namun ingin memuhasabah supaya sebagai hakim syar'ie yang sememangnya paham benar tentang hukum dan uqubat dalam Islam bahawa islam telah pun menetapkan setiap ada hukumannya dan hukuman itu adalah hak Allah dan tidak boleh dikurangi atau ditambah walau sedikit.

Selain kekeliruan yang berlaku dalam masyarakat, dengan penentangan dan kritikan terhadap Islam, tidak kurang juga umat atau tokoh masyarakat di'benar'kan perbuatan dan tindak tanduk mereka dengan anggapan bahawa ianya sudah cukup Islami. "Jika tidak dapat buat semua, buat sedikit pun jadilah". Maka mereka pun terus menerus dengan tindak tanduk yang kian lama, lari dari standard Islam yang sebenarnya, hingga akhirnya nanti mungkin Islam itu hanya pada solat 5 waktu sahaja.

Bila dikaji kembali, kenapa hakim tersebut tidak mampu (jika beliau faham benar hukum sebat bagi peminum arak) untuk melaksanakan hudud? Maka disini, jawapan yang tuntas adalah kerana tidak adanya undang-undang yang membenarkan. Disebabkan apa undang-undang tidak membenarkan? kerana sistem dan perlembagaan yang diguna pakai untuk mengatur urusan umat adalah sistem yang tidak Islami. Kenapa sistem tidak Islami? Kerana tidak ada negara yang menggunapakai sistem yang Islami.

Jadi diatas insiden yang telah pun berlaku, maka semestinya kita memberikan perhatian dalam 2 perkara :

1. Sepatutnya umat Islam meletakkan apa jua tindakan yang dilakukannya berdasarkan standard Islam dan bukan yang lain. Ini adalah kerana Islam mencakupi seluruh aspek kehidupan yakni sebagai 'way of life'. Maka amatlah pelik, apabila kita melakukan sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan hukum, lantas berpuas hati malah gembira melaksanakannya, walaupun ianya tidak disandarkan pada Quran dan sunnah.

2. Perkara yang dapat menyelesaikan masalah si pemabok dan tuan hakim tadi, serta masalah umat Islam seluruh dunia adalah dengan tertegaknya sistem pemerintahan Islam yang menerapkan Islam secara kaffah. Pada saat ini, sistem itu tidak wujud.

Apakah kalian masih ingin berpeluk tubuh dan berdiam diri?


Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Dialogue between the Chinese Embassy And The Delegation From Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia : Chinese Embassy Runs Out Of Argument

HTI-Press. The delegation of Hizb ut Tahrir Indonesia, on Tuesday (14/7) was received by the Chinese Embassy staff in Jakarta during the solidarity action for the Muslims in East Turkestan (Xinjiang) who were brutally tortured by the Chinese government. The HTI delegation which was led by M Kurnia Rahmat met with the First Secretary of The Chinese Embassy, Pan Zheng Mao.

After being seated in the embassy's room, the staff offered the delegation to drink mineral water. But they refused to drink. "Sorry, we cannot drink water from people who killed our brothers and sisters in Xinjiang," said Kurnia Rahmat firmly.

At the beginning of the talk, Pan explained that the victims in Xinjiang were not only the Muslims of Uighur ethnicity but were also from the Han ethnicity. According to him, what was done by the Chinese government was something legal and appropriate because the government prosecuted the criminals. He continued talking to give further explanations.

But Rahmat interrupted, "Sorry, we came here to express our stance. Let us explain. First, we condemn the Chinese government who have slaughtered the Muslims in Xinjiang. Second, we warn the Chinese government to immediately stop the slaughter and the cruel attitude against the Muslims in Xinjiang. Third, we urge China to restore the rights of the Muslims there."

Hearing such statements, Pan said, "How can we stop the slaughter because we did not do this?" The atmosphere became tense.

"Don't you see footages on TV showing the slaughter? Don't you see the images of the veiled mothers who were dragged? Don't you see a line of army with guns queuing in front of the mosque to deter Muslims to pray?" rebuffed Rahmat in a high tone.

The First Secretary rejected the statement by saying, "The information and the media that you watched was wrong. What actually happened there was not like that."

"How can it be wrong, while both local and foreign mass media, either Western or Islamic ones reported the incident? We even have a very reliable and trusted source for that." asserted Rahmat.

"Yes, how can we explain if you do not trust us? China always solves the problem peacefully," said Pan.

"How can we trust your information, if you do not acknowledge the clear and visible facts? Similarly, big countries always talk about peace, but the fact is mass murder. The United States says to bring peace in Iraq, while the reality is slaughter. Israel states to make peace, but the reality is slaughter. So does China," Rahmat affirmed.

Pan responded, "Then, if you find trouble to receive our explanation, just ask your government about what happened there. They may not lie to you!"

Rahmat directly replied, "You know, the Indonesian Ambassador in China, Mr. Sudrajat said that Indonesia will not interfere with the Muslim's problem in Xinjiang. According to him, the problem is the internal affair of China. It is impossible that those who do not care about the slaughter of Muslims in Xinjiang can provide information as it happened!"

Pan was silent for a moment. "Okay, it is clear that China did not do mass murder there," Pan added trying to convince.

Rahmat, who is the head of the Team (Lajnah) Fa'aliyah said firmly, "You said no slaughter? According to the statistics of residence in 1936, the Kuomintang Republic of China at that time estimated that the number of Muslim residents was more than 48 million. But since they applied the Mao's policy, the number dropped to only 10 million residents. Where did the 38 million lives go? If genocide did not occur systematically, how could that happen?"

Pan tried to explain again, "That was impossible to happen. We have our own policy in demography. We let every ethnicity produce offspring."

Muhammad Rahmad then answered, "Ok, stop it. What we want is that the Chinese government ends the killing of Muslims. Hizb ut Tahrir Indonesia asks you to deliver our letter to the Chinese government there."

Each side tries to refrain. "OK, we will deliver the letter. But please ask your friends outside to stop shouting. They disturb us while we are working," said the Secretary.

While staring at his eyes, Rahmat said to Pan Zheng Mao, "Hizb ut Tahrir performs the action without violence. You do not deserve to say that you are disturbed just because of the loud speaker. We are not only disturbed by China, we are even very much affected to see and watch our brothers in Xinjiang killed while their rights are grabbed. We will see the progress in the next one or two days. Remember, Muslims are brothers, without being restricted by territorial limits." Without giving comment, Pan closed the discussion. Then HTI delegation left the room.

source :

Saatnya Islam Memimpin Dunia Dengan Syariah!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Different Leadership, Same Old System


In the week when a draft report by the World Bank presented an extremely gloomy picture of Pakistan's power sector that is marred by corruption and inefficiency, the Zardari government

has imposed a new petrol levy to offset revenue lost due to an apparent earlier Supreme Court decision to cut a carbon tax and reduce oil prices.

On Tuesday 7th July the court cut the carbon tax imposed by the government, bringing down oil prices by more than 10%. But officials said the government would lose $1.52 billion because of the tax cut.

President Asif Ali Zardari issued an ordinance on Thursday 9th July imposing a levy which effectively returns oil prices to their previous levels. Officials say they feared the loss of revenue as a result of the court decision would increase the budget deficit beyond the limit approved by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which is funding the Pakistani budget.

Whilst many have been bogged down by the judicial intervention, this issue highlights some issues, which prove Pakistan is heading for catastrophe:-

  1. The Zardari government like the previous Musharraf government is completely bankrupt on solving Pakistan's economic problems. Since Zardari took over the reins of power he has been unable to solve the man made economic crisis in the country, he has still to present his economic blueprint (even if he has one). This is why the Zardari government continues with policies which are contradictory. Hence it provides some Punjabi farmers with wheat subsidies, whilst imposing income based taxes on a population where 72% of the population live on less than $2 dollars a day.
  1. Like last months budget that required ratification by the IMF, the government did not even hide the fact that it was imposing the petrol tax to ensure IMF conditions are met. This should prove beyond doubt that the Pakistan economy is in reality organised in Washington rather then Islamabad.
  1. The Zardari government like the previous bankrupt Musharraf government has attempted to justify its economic policies by citing the fact that the government has so few sources from which is raises revenue it has no choice to turn to foreign money and stealth taxes domestically. Under the Musharraf era foreign direct investment (FDI) and loans from the IMF and World Bank is what drove the economy. The Zardari government has argued Pakistan only has 2 million taxpayers and underdeveloped sectors which only generate revenues of $26 billion with expenses of $33 billion. Hence the government has no choice but to turn to foreign money and taxation.
  1. The fundamental problem with Pakistan is the economy is not structured according to the nation's strengths. Currently Pakistan is geared around the service sector and foreign direct investment (FDI), which in no way stimulate the remainder of the economy. Pakistan's strengths lay in its mineral resources and agricultural landscape.
  • - Punjab is Pakistan's most fertile province which has the world's largest salt range housing the world's largest deposit of pure salt.
  • - Baluchistan - Pakistan's largest province is home to the world's fifth largest reserves of copper and over 20 million ounces of untapped Gold reserves in the Chaghi area and the Rekodiq mine.
  • - Pakistan has the world's largest Coal reserves after the US. The Thar coal field in Sindh is the world's largest coal field. Thar coal has the world's largest lignite deposits spread over more than 9, 000 km2. It comprises around 175 billion tonnes of coal which is the equivalent of 618 billion barrels of crude oil.
  • - Pakistan has an estimated 25.1 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of proven gas reserves. This has led to Pakistan having the highest number of compressed natural gas (CNG)-run vehicles in the world leaving Brazil and Argentina behind in the race as largest user of natural gas vehicles.
  • - Pakistan's irrigated land area of 182,300 km2 making it the worlds 4th largest with regards agricultural land use, more than the whole of Europe combined.
  • - Pakistan is watered by the Indus river, one of the largest irrigation systems in the world. It also has the Tarbela Dam on the Indus River, which is the world's largest earth-filled dam.
  • - Pakistan is the worlds largest producer of ghee (Clarified Butter), the 2nd largest producer of chickpeas, Buffalo Meat and Milk, the 3rd largest producer of Okra vegetables, the 4th largest producer of Apricot, Cotton, Goat's Milk and Mangos and the 5th largest producer of Milk, Onion and Sugar Cane.
  1. Pakistan does not lack the resources to be a great nation or lift its population out of poverty. It is the rulers who have completely abandoned the people for a few dollars from the US who hold Pakistan back from progressing. Such rulers allowed the US to set up bases in Pakistan and then allowed the US to use Pakistani airspace and land so they could supply their troops to kill Muslims in Afghanistan.
  1. The US today continues to rebuke Pakistan for not doing enough, in reality such foreign interference will always hold Pakistan back, US official are in Pakistan almost weekly having meetings with the government, army, civil service and their agents to ensure Pakistan fulfils US aims in Afghanistan and the region and saves it from an embarrassing defeat. US reliance on Pakistan will only increase as the competition over central Asia continues with Russia and as China threatens US interests in Asia.
  1. With the US marred in two wars where it bleeds to death, this represents a brilliant opportunity for Pakistan to expel the US and take control over its own destiny. In part, US interference has also been due to the threat Pakistan posses if it were to unify, US national intelligence estimates have predicted scenario's from 2020 onwards with the Khilafah established in the Muslim world.

Pakistan must take charge of its own destiny and establish the Khilafah, only this will allow the Muslim of the country to realise their full potential, once this is achieved the work of reunification with the wider Muslim world will begin.

source taken from

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Friday, July 03, 2009


Tempat : Bilik Seminar, KHILAFAH CENTRE
Alamat : NO. 47–1 , JALAN 7/7A, SEK.7, 43650 BANDAR BARU BANGI, SELANGOR*
Penyertaan adalah PERCUMA.
Jemputlah datang beramai-ramai.
Anjuran : HIZBUT TAHRIR MALAYSIA - Cawangan Kuala Lumpur
Segala pertanyaan sila email ke ahmus@

Sudah sampai saatnya kita membuka rantai-rantai yang membelenggu umat Islam dan mendalami ideologi selain Islam serta kelemahan-kelemahan mereka. Kita seringkali membebel bahawa barat memahami Islam, mengambil Islam dan kehebatannya untuk memajukan diri mereka lantas apa yang kita lakukan sebagai umat Islam untuk memahami keburukan dan cacat cela idea mereka? Adakah dengan menonton siaran kartun dan tidur pada pagi Ahad akan membuatkan kita lebih hebat dari mereka? Datanglah beramai2 ke kolokium Hizbut Tahrir. Semoga kita memperoleh ilmu, serta keberkatan dariNya.