Sunday, January 30, 2011

Kebangkitan Mesir : Didalangi Amerika??

Seronok tengok api kebangkitan ummat nowadays. Cuma risau sebab kebangkitan ada bermacam jenis kebangkitan. Kebangkitan yg benar dan kebangkitan yang salah. Kebangkitan yg benar adalah kebangkitan persis ummat di zaman Rasulullah. Daripada kejahilan dan kegelapan menuju kehebatan dan cahaya....and they go way far from reach of the western ideas.

Terkejut bila tengok hari berikutnya, Mesir bangkit dengan pemuda2nya seramai hampir 30ribu orang membanjiri Dataran Tahrir mendesak penurunan Hosni Murtabak(skang dh tak mubarak dah..skang bakal jadi murtabak).

Namun, kalau dibezakan dengan Tunisia, nampak ada perbezaan dalam kebangkitan ummat. Walaupun perbezaannya minor. Ummat bangkit di Tunisia memberi signal dengan cara yang aman. Ummat di Mesir bangkit dengan cara yang dahsyat.

Marah2 juga. Namun bukan apa yang Rasulullah anjurkan, berdemonstrasi menghancurkan segala yang ada. Nak jalan, nak baling balik peluru pemedih mata, fine la. Tapi macam pelik bila ada yang nak bebaskan banduan dan macam2 lagi. Mmg state of Anarchy.

Kita semua masih ingat bila mana US dgn strategi politik sekularnya, sentiasa cuba utk menguasai dunia kaum muslimin, baik cara 'elok' atau 'tak elok'. Cara tak elok, lantik pemimpin diktator dan kontrol ummat bagi pihaknya. Cara 'elok' kononnya, gulingkan yang diktator, ganti dengan yang 'demokratik'. Inilah yang tengah terjadi di Mesir. Sebab itu rasa mcm kebangkitan di Mesir agak pelik.

Gelombang ini digerakkan oleh 'aktivis 6 april' yang sepertimana biasa, didalangi oleh US. Dok celah mana pun ada bangsat ni. Aku terjumpa satu petikan berita...bolehla pakat2 baca.

Egypt protests: America's secret backing for rebel leaders behind uprising?

The following is an interesting article from the British newspaper, The Daily Telegraph.

The American government secretly backed leading figures behind the Egyptian uprising who have been planning “regime change” for the past three years, The Daily Telegraph has learned.

By Tim Ross, Matthew Moore and Steven Swinford 9:23PM GMT 28 Jan 2011

The American Embassy in Cairo helped a young dissident attend a US-sponsored summit for activists in New York, while working to keep his identity secret from Egyptian state police.

On his return to Cairo in December 2008, the activist told US diplomats that an alliance of opposition groups had drawn up a plan to overthrow President Hosni Mubarak and install a democratic government in 2011.
The secret document in full

He has already been arrested by Egyptian security in connection with the demonstrations and his identity is being protected by The Daily Telegraph.

The crisis in Egypt follows the toppling of Tunisian president Zine al-Abedine Ben Ali, who fled the country after widespread protests forced him from office.

The disclosures, contained in previously secret US diplomatic dispatches released by the WikiLeaks website, show American officials pressed the Egyptian government to release other dissidents who had been detained by the police.

Mr Mubarak, facing the biggest challenge to his authority in his 31 years in power, ordered the army on to the streets of Cairo yesterday as rioting erupted across Egypt.

Tens of thousands of anti-government protesters took to the streets in open defiance of a curfew. An explosion rocked the centre of Cairo as thousands defied orders to return to their homes. As the violence escalated, flames could be seen near the headquarters of the governing National Democratic Party.
Police fired rubber bullets and used tear gas and water cannon in an attempt to disperse the crowds.
At least five people were killed in Cairo alone yesterday and 870 injured, several with bullet wounds. Mohamed ElBaradei, the pro-reform leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner, was placed under house arrest after returning to Egypt to join the dissidents. Riots also took place in Suez, Alexandria and other major cities across the country.

William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, urged the Egyptian government to heed the “legitimate demands of protesters”. Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, said she was “deeply concerned about the use of force” to quell the protests.

In an interview for the American news channel CNN, to be broadcast tomorrow, David Cameron said: “I think what we need is reform in Egypt. I mean, we support reform and progress in the greater strengthening of the democracy and civil rights and the rule of law.”

The US government has previously been a supporter of Mr Mubarak’s regime. But the leaked documents show the extent to which America was offering support to pro-democracy activists in Egypt while publicly praising Mr Mubarak as an important ally in the Middle East.

In a secret diplomatic dispatch, sent on December 30 2008, Margaret Scobey, the US Ambassador to Cairo, recorded that opposition groups had allegedly drawn up secret plans for “regime change” to take place before elections, scheduled for September this year.

The memo, which Ambassador Scobey sent to the US Secretary of State in Washington DC, was marked “confidential” and headed: “April 6 activist on his US visit and regime change in Egypt.”

It said the activist claimed “several opposition forces” had “agreed to support an unwritten plan for a transition to a parliamentary democracy, involving a weakened presidency and an empowered prime minister and parliament, before the scheduled 2011 presidential elections”. The embassy’s source said the plan was “so sensitive it cannot be written down”.

Ambassador Scobey questioned whether such an “unrealistic” plot could work, or ever even existed. However, the documents showed that the activist had been approached by US diplomats and received extensive support for his pro-democracy campaign from officials in Washington. The embassy helped the campaigner attend a “summit” for youth activists in New York, which was organised by the US State Department.

Cairo embassy officials warned Washington that the activist’s identity must be kept secret because he could face “retribution” when he returned to Egypt. He had already allegedly been tortured for three days by Egyptian state security after he was arrested for taking part in a protest some years earlier.

The protests in Egypt are being driven by the April 6 youth movement, a group on Facebook that has attracted mainly young and educated members opposed to Mr Mubarak. The group has about 70,000 members and uses social networking sites to orchestrate protests and report on their activities.

The documents released by WikiLeaks reveal US Embassy officials were in regular contact with the activist throughout 2008 and 2009, considering him one of their most reliable sources for information about human rights abuses.

Ini dokumen rahsia yang didedahkan oleh wikileaks tentang 'projek baik' US





CAIRO 2454 C. CAIRO 2431 Classified By: ECPO A/Mincouns

Catherine Hill-Herndon for reason 1.4 (d ). 1. (C) Summary and

comment: On December 23, April 6 activist xxxxxxxxxxxx expressed

satisfaction with his participation in the December 3-5 \"Alliance of

Youth Movements Summit,\" and with his subsequent meetings with USG

officials, on Capitol Hill, and with think tanks. He described how

State Security (SSIS) detained him at the Cairo airport upon his

return and confiscated his notes for his summit presentation calling

for democratic change in Egypt, and his schedule for his Congressional

meetings. xxxxxxxxxxxx contended that the GOE will never undertake

significant reform, and therefore, Egyptians need to replace the

current regime with a parliamentary democracy. He alleged that

several opposition parties and movements have accepted an unwritten

plan for democratic transition by 2011; we are doubtful of this claim.

xxxxxxxxxxxx said that although SSIS recently released two April 6

activists, it also arrested three additional group members. We have

pressed the MFA for the release of these April 6 activists. April 6's

stated goal of replacing the current regime with a parliamentary

democracy prior to the 2011 presidential elections is highly

unrealistic, and is not supported by the mainstream opposition. End

summary and comment. ---------------------------- Satisfaction with

the Summit ---------------------------- 2. (C) xxxxxxxxxxxx expressed

satisfaction with the December 3-5 \"Alliance of Youth Movements

Summit\" in New York, noting that he was able to meet activists from

other countries and outline his movement's goals for democratic change

in Egypt. He told us that the other activists at the summit were very

supportive, and that some even offered to hold public demonstrations

in support of Egyptian democracy in their countries, with xxxxxxxxxxxx

as an invited guest. xxxxxxxxxxxx said he discussed with the other

activists how April 6 members could more effectively evade harassment

and surveillance from SSIS with technical upgrades, such as

consistently alternating computer \"simcards.\" However, xxxxxxxxxxxx

lamented to us that because most April 6 members do not own computers,

this tactic would be impossible to implement. xxxxxxxxxxxx was

appreciative of the successful efforts by the Department and the

summit organizers to protect his identity at the summit, and told us

that his name was never mentioned publicly. ------------------- A

Cold Welcome Home ------------------- 3. (S) xxxxxxxxxxxx told us

that SSIS detained and searched him at the Cairo Airport on December

18 upon his return from the U.S. According to xxxxxxxxxxxx, SSIS

found and confiscated two documents in his luggage: notes for his

presentation at the summit that described April 6's demands for

democratic transition in Egypt, and a schedule of his Capitol Hill

meetings. xxxxxxxxxxxx described how the SSIS officer told him that

State Security is compiling a file on him, and that the officer's

superiors instructed him to file a report on xxxxxxxxxxxx most recent

activities. --------------------------------------------- ----------

Washington Meetings and April 6 Ideas for Regime Change

--------------------------------------------- ---------- 4. (C)

xxxxxxxxxxxx described his Washington appointments as positive, saying

that on the Hill he met with xxxxxxxxxxxx, a variety of House staff

members, including from the offices of xxxxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxxx),

and with two Senate staffers. xxxxxxxxxxxx also noted that he met

with several think tank members. xxxxxxxxxxxx said that xxxxxxxxxxxx's

office invited him to speak at a late January Congressional hearing on

House Resolution 1303 regarding religious and political freedom in

Egypt. xxxxxxxxxxxx told us he is interested in attending, but

conceded he is unsure whether he will have the funds to make the trip.

He indicated to us that he has not been focusing on his work as a

\"fixer\" for journalists, due to his preoccupation with his U.S.

trip. 5. (C) xxxxxxxxxxxx described how he tried to convince his

Washington interlocutors that the USG should pressure the GOE to

implement significant reforms by threatening to reveal CAIRO 00002572

002 OF 002 information about GOE officials' alleged \"illegal\"

off-shore bank accounts. He hoped that the U.S. and the international

community would freeze these bank accounts, like the accounts of

Zimbabwean President Mugabe's confidantes. xxxxxxxxxxxx said he wants

to convince the USG that Mubarak is worse than Mugabe and that the GOE

will never accept democratic reform. xxxxxxxxxxxx asserted that

Mubarak derives his legitimacy from U.S. support, and therefore

charged the U.S. with \"being responsible\" for Mubarak's \"crimes.\"

He accused NGOs working on political and economic reform of living in

a \"fantasy world,\" and not recognizing that Mubarak -- \"the head of

the snake\" -- must step aside to enable democracy to take root. 6.

(C) xxxxxxxxxxxx claimed that several opposition forces -- including

the Wafd, Nasserite, Karama and Tagammu parties, and the Muslim

Brotherhood, Kifaya, and Revolutionary Socialist movements -- have

agreed to support an unwritten plan for a transition to a

parliamentary democracy, involving a weakened presidency and an

empowered prime minister and parliament, before the scheduled 2011

presidential elections (ref C). According to xxxxxxxxxxxx, the

opposition is interested in receiving support from the army and the

police for a transitional government prior to the 2011 elections.

xxxxxxxxxxxx asserted that this plan is so sensitive it cannot be

written down. (Comment: We have no information to corroborate that

these parties and movements have agreed to the unrealistic plan

xxxxxxxxxxxx has outlined. Per ref C, xxxxxxxxxxxx previously told us

that this plan was publicly available on the internet. End comment.)

7. (C) xxxxxxxxxxxx said that the GOE has recently been cracking down

on the April 6 movement by arresting its members. xxxxxxxxxxxx noted

that although SSIS had released xxxxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxxx \"in the

past few days,\" it had arrested three other members. (Note: On

December 14, we pressed the MFA for the release of xxxxxxxxxxxx and

xxxxxxxxxxxx, and on December 28 we asked the MFA for the GOE to

release the additional three activists. End note.) xxxxxxxxxxxx

conceded that April 6 has no feasible plans for future activities.

The group would like to call for another strike on April 6, 2009, but

realizes this would be \"impossible\" due to SSIS interference,

xxxxxxxxxxxx said. He lamented that the GOE has driven the group's

leadership underground, and that one of its leaders, xxxxxxxxxxxx, has

been in hiding for the past week. 8. (C) Comment: xxxxxxxxxxxx

offered no roadmap of concrete steps toward April 6's highly

unrealistic goal of replacing the current regime with a parliamentary

democracy prior to the 2011 presidential elections. Most opposition

parties and independent NGOs work toward achieving tangible,

incremental reform within the current political context, even if they

may be pessimistic about their chances of success. xxxxxxxxxxxx

wholesale rejection of such an approach places him outside this

mainstream of opposition politicians and activists.



Aku harapkan ummat Islam di mesir sedar bahawa apa yang US cuba install, tak ada bezanya dengan sebelumnya. Iraq dijanjikan demokratiyyah, namun sampai skang, huru hara. Kenapa tidak Khilafah wahai sahabat2ku di Mesir? Apa lagi yang kalian nak selain daripada apa yang Allah dan RasulNya tetapkan? Tak serik-serik lagikah dengan rentetan sejarah sistem ciptaan manusia yang tak pernah mensejahterakan manusia? Nak tunggu sistem demokrasi ni pulak pijak kepala hangpa baru nak protest lagi? tempat lain dah kena pijak banyak kali dah. Dok bengong serupa tu lah. Cukup husnudzzan dgn 'sistem demokrasi' tapi cukup takut dgn sistem khilafah. Ummati....ummati...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Kebangkitan di Tunisia

Berkesempatan memerhati kebangkitan di Tunisia, pastinya ramai yang sedang memberikan komen2 yg tersendiri. Namun, realitinya harus diperhatikan bahawa kebangkitan di Tunisia memberikan suatu signal/petanda yang cukup besar kepada semua pemimpin muslim sekular yang ada di setiap belahan dunia akan beberapa perkara :

1. Mereka tidak akan mampu duduk lama di kerusi empuk mereka jika mereka tidak menegakkan syariah.

2. Mereka harus akur bahawa mereka hanya akan dipertahankan oleh Barat selama mana mereka masih mampu memberikan apa yang Barat inginkan, namun Barat akan 'cuci tgn' apabila kepentingan mereka sudah dipenuhi.

3. Pemerintah sekular tidak akan mampu untuk menghalang kebangkitan akbar kerana kebangkitan ini adalah janji Allah dan RasulNya sebaik-baik pembuat makar adalah Allah dan Allah akan membantu mereka yang akan membantu agama Allah serta menjadikan agama ini sebagai cahaya yang menerangi bumi.

Sebagai pendukung kapitalisma dan sekularisma, pemerintah2 sekular yang mengkhianati umat Islam hari ini lupa bahawa walaupun mereka mempunyai kekuasaan ke atas tentera dan polis (mulkan jabariyyatan), mereka masih tidak mampu menghalang kebangkitan ummat. Kita telah menyaksikan akan beberapa siri kebangkitan dan signal-signal yang telah dihantar oleh umat Islam di seluruh belahan dunia bagaimana mereka merindukan agar setiap inci bumi Allah ini diterapkan syariah.Palestin, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, dan Tunisia antara beberapa belahan dunia yang sedang memberikan petanda besar kepada umat Islam di belahan dunia yang lain bahawa sudah tiba masanya umat Islam bertindak lebih pro-aktif dalam membantu umat Islam yang lainnya dalam penegakan semula sebuah empayar Islam yang akan menerapkan hukum Allah.

Kebangkitan di Tunisia membuatkan liga2 Arab dan pemerintah sekularnya melangsungkan persidangan untuk membincangkan apakah nasib mereka selepas ini dan giliran siapakah selepas ini yang akan diturunkan secara tidak terhormat.

Penegakan syariah dan khilafah sudah mula menjadi ra'yul am (pendapat umum/public opinion)di Tunisia dan lain2 negara yang didiami kaum muslimin. Pengambil alihan kuasa oleh mereka yang ingin menerapkan hukum dan perlembagaan ciptaan manusia tidak akan mampu memujuk hati kaum muslimin yang sememangnya sudah muak dengan kegagalan sistem/hukum/undang2 buatan manusia yang sememangnya telah terbukti, tidak pernah mensejahterakan sesiapapun, baiuk muslim maupun non-muslim.

Ramai yang akan skeptikal/ragu2 dengan kenyataan yang berlaku. Adakah benar Islam akan kembali memerintah dunia sebagaimana zaman khulafa'? Adakah benar Islam mempunyai sistem? Adakah benar Islam mampu berdiri sebagai sebuah empayar dan bermacam2 'adakah' lagilah yang akan dipersoalkan. Sebelum dibentangkan fakta, di tentang lagi dengan fakta-fakta tentang keberadaan sistem demokrasi sampah, sekular dan kapitalisma atau sosialisma yang kononnya telah ada dan inilah pilihan yang ada dan tidak yang lain.

Namun, apabila membaca post ini, cuba buat sedikit homework dengan melayari laman2 internet dan mencari jurnal serta komen pemerintah2 sekular Barat yang dengan terang dan nyata memberikan komen akan ketidakmampuan mereka menghadapi gelombang empayar Islam yang bakal berdiri. Malah pada suatu masa, ketika umat Islam masih alpa dengan keseronokan dunia, barat telah pun menulis tentang pertembungan peradaban yang pada mereka, akan berlaku pertembungan peradaban yang dasyat, yang akan melibatkan Cina, AS dan kuasa besar baru yakni Islam.

Dick Cheney, Bush, Obama, John Cera dan ramai tokoh baik sekular maupun Islam tidak kurang memberikan komen masing2 apabila membicarakan soal kebangkitan Islam sebagai empayar. Sama ada perbincangan dan komen itu bersifat menutupi/menidakkan ataupun menyokong/mengharapkan, keputusannya adalah sama - mengakui akan kembalinya empayar Islam sebagai major player dalam dunia politik dan ketamadunan dunia.

Jadi, bagaimana akan wujudnya sebuah empayar jika tidak dengan berdirinya sistem? Bagaimana wujudnya sistem jika tidak dengan kesatuan global umat islam? adakah hanya dengan kewujudan negara lokal yang ada? daulah maya? negara kesatuan OIC yang dikepalai oleh 40 lebih pemimpin pengkhianat? atau semuanya ini, akan dihabisi secara alami oleh umat Islam seluruh dunia yang bangkit, untuk menggantikan penindasan dan pengkhianatan2 ini dengan seorang Khalifah yang akan menyatukan umat Islam seluruhnya dan memimpin mereka dengan Islam seluruhnya.

Dan....kebangkitan2 ini wahai sahabat2ku, sudah mula terzahir dengan percikan-percikan api daripada ummat Islam....bermula di Palestin....Indonesia...Pakistan...Afghanistan...Uzbekistan...dan kini...di Tunisia.

Apakah kita masih ingin menidakkan fakta geo-politik dunia yang tanpa kekuasaan kita, sedang berubah kearah kebangkitan umat Islam? Kebangkitan di Tunisia adalah fasa kedua awal kebangkitan. Ianya akan terus berjalan...sehingga kemenangan hanyalah milik Allah dan RasulNya.The Wave is Coming....