We had many conversations going on. From one night to another, we become fond to each other. We're attracted to each other by our differences, culture and way of life. We exchange thoughts and stories about life, music and stuffs. As always, she called me during odd hours. From there, i learned to gain my confidence in speaking english, though i know there are tons of grammatical errors. The heck. I don't bother much. I enjoyed learning indirectly rather than going to class and struggle half of your life in mastering english.As long as it serve the purpose of conversing and exchanging ideas, i think that would do.
She told me bout her friends there from malaysia. some of them that i hardly remember....such as zetty, rusty, and a snobbish couple ( seems like i've 'lost' their name then). her x-boyfriend zachary daniel and some other characters that i cant recall their names.Well, this story actually falls back during 1998...so i guess its past 12 years now...who can exactly remember the details of their life after 12 years right?
Zetty, a pious girl. She loves to recite a surah or ayat everyday. Which somehow attracts Ameera. Which somehow reminds her of her past. Through Zetty, she learned to recall her memories os herself being a muslim. She can now recite al-ikhlas...though like a child.
Rusty. Nice guy. I chatted with him once. just a short while. He said 'Owh, so you're the one that Ameera's been talking about here. Man, you're lucky!!! Few guys here are pushing their buts off just trying to get to her. Man, i wonder how you can get to 'hold' her though you guys never met and hell far away from each other'. I just dont know rusty. i just cant tell. well, at this moment of 2009, i wonder where are you now.
Snobbish couple. This couple, somehow annoys Ameera in everysingle thing. From Ameera, seems like the girls is jealous since Ameera always get to score in exams and assignments whereas the boyfriend, took her as girlfriend since he's deeply frustrated not able to get Ameera for himself. So its like this girl is just a replacement to show that now he's happy. Something like that. I can still recall it when Ameera let me listen to a handsfree conversation between Ameera and that snobbish boyfriend. He speaks brit slang and you have to know that the americans hated brits, their culture and their slangs. So while that guy's talking to Ameera with that brit slang, i heard Ameera said 'Stop using that slang. Stop it. Your brits this and that'. I cant remember the details of their conversation through the phone.
Then i remembered a character that cursed her while she's smoking outside on her yard. A guy with a religious look, with serban and beard...suddenly came to her and said 'You are going to hell. You smoking girl and dressed up with shorts".... And one day she asked me..Why are there various type of muslims? That guy is so annoying, just came to me and curse me like hell...and you, brought a different impression about Islam. Quite stunned. At that point, I said that Islam...has nothing to do with how their believers react. Some may act religiously, but not a true muslim. Some may look like not that pious, but really understand Islam and applied Islam in all aspects of life.
Series of incidents happened back then. And all that i can get to feel the incidents...not by seeing them...but only by listening through the phone all night long to what she had to share. ! night i remembered that she endlessly cried coz she got news that Zetty's been raped while she's waiting for a friend in her own car. And she's completely lost herself. Just by listening, i dont know how i can help. I dont know what to do. Jst by asking her to stay calm and leave everything to the police(like if they can help either...which we knew that they wont)At that very point, I came across to think, when was the last time rape cases been solved by the police? Or solving cases by the authorities are privileges for the elitist? People murdered, raped and taken their rights, brought upon the authorities, hence nothing can be done. Or just ‘sometimes’. Its either if the case is too easy for them to crack it, it might help. But among thousands of rape cases, who would care?? Who would possibly care? Or its just what we call it ‘destiny’….to rape and to be raped. I cant tell. I imagined if Zetty, was my sister. I don’t know how to react. In a world that people are fond to individualistic values. I can only imagine how pious person like her would face the reality. I heard Ameera said that she’d lost everything. Even lost her will to live. At this point, I hope that wherever Zetty is right now, I hope she’s been a better and a stronger person.
dear you,
peace upon you,
do you believe in destiny?
are we controlling our destiny or the destiny lies in front of us?
"Tuhan tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum kecuali kaum itu sendiri mengubah nasib mereka"
(takdir belum ditentukan lagi)
"Tak bergerak sesuatu zarah melainkan dengan izinNYA"
(takdir telah ditentukan).
i'm learning about the truth.so i need your thoughts on these 2 differences in Quran about destiny.
dear fren
peace upon you too.
i believe in destiny. destiny are something destined towards us and its like what u written before, tidak izin sesuatu zarah dgn kehendakNya.
though things are destined, it doesnt mean that EVERYTHING's destined upon us. thats y theres : tidak akan berubah nasib sesuatu kaum sehingga kaum itu mengubah ada padanya.
as what i've learned, involve in understanding qada wal qadar.
al qada', as what defined and explained by syeikh taqiyuddin an-nabhani(a mujtahid in the 19th century), elaborates that there are 2 territories within qada' that is territories within our control, and territories out of our control.
territories within our control means, as in human reaction, we were given the power to choose. and the power to choose come with sin and deeds. doin zina, is not what Allah had destined upon us, but we choose to do so. Allah have listed upon ayat2 in the Quran that zina is haram, so with aqal and aqidah given, we can choose, either to do or not to do. and by doing so, we're going against what obliged upon us that is to leave zina, and being amongst the dzalimin.in doing good deeds, we were given a choice to do or not to do. so does actions related to makruh, haram and nafilah.
the other territory is that territories out of our control. though we're driving carefully, 40km per hour and still we get banged by a lorry or other car came from nowhere. or all safety precautions taken before a flight, but the plane still crash due to things happened. we've done our part by taking precautions, but still things happened. so that is what syeikh taqiyuddin defined as territories out of our control.
if we take as what the ideas brought by jabbariyyah, EVERYTHING's destined upon us, so why should there be hell and heaven? is Allah too cruel to let those who try and try to be good, lastly end up in hellfire?
Unlike mutazilah, they said that EVERYTHING is upon us to decide. if its like what muktazilah said, so what is Allah's role then in this life?
so to clear the debate between muktazilah and jabbariyyah, this is the clearcut definition and explanation about al-qada(destiny). within our territories, we are given the choice to choose. whats right or wrong. whats best for islam and whats not. what is obliged to us to execute and whats obliged to us to leave behind. and as for things happening out of our control, its all by Allah's will.
these are simple explanation that i can give,regrding destiny. hope that these would clear your doubts about destiny. if its not, maybe we can further our discussion.
ps-i cant get into your blog. too classified are we? :)
salamun alaikum bima sabartum,
terima kasih atas penjelasan yang begitu teliti,sungguh bermanfaat buat saya yang cetek ilmu ini.
namun begitu,saudara menjelaskan bahawa
dikatakan kita mempunyai pilihan.
adakah kita "berkuasa" membuat pilihan?
"Tuhan" merancang dan membuat pilihan utk semuanya?
the law of universe is already set!
saya skrg menaip dalam ruangan comment blog saudara.
kuasa membuat pilihan terletak di tangan saya.tetapi segala daya dan upaya saya pada hakikatnya bukanlah saya.sbb yang berkuasa mengerakkan waiima satu zarrah ialah Tuhan. so, saya adalah tuhan dari segi penaakulan mantiknya.
apakah fungsi Tuhan dalam hidup kita?
mana ada.
kitalah "Tuhan" dalam hidup kita.
mana ada qada dan qadar dalam rukun iman.
dalam al quran, sekiranya saudara teliti dan mungkin menghalusi lagi, cuma dijelaskan hanya ada 5"rukun iman" sahaja.
perkara ke 6,kepercayaan kepada qada dan qadar (yg mana tak ada pun dlm al quran) oleh pihak2 yang tidak bertanggung jawab agar manusia yang mengikut ajaran palsu ulama islam akan mundur sbb menyerahkan "destiny" kepada ALLAH semata2...
tentang kemalangan yang saudara katakan,
"destiny" yang within our control.
sebenarnya ianya adalah dalam kawalan "kita". dalam DNA kita sudah tertulis coding kemalangan ini.cuma samada kita nak trigger kemalangan itu nak berlaku ataupun tak, depends on our thoughts.
semuanya terletak pada hukum tarikan.
bacalah lagi tentang laws of attraction dan zero point energy...untuk pemahaman yang lebih lanjut.
ini penjelasan tentang kita kena mengubah diri kita sendiri.Kitalah, bukan Tuhan.takkan buat baik pun, kita nak kata Tuhan yang berkuasa mengizinkan kita berbuat baik.
kalau begitu, semua perbuatan jahat semuanya diri kita.tetapi semua perbuatan baik datang dari tuhan la pulak.
kesian, tuhan dipertanggung jawabkan atas segalanya.
sedangkan Tuhan Maha Kaya. segala ciptaannya tidak memberi faedah pun kepadanya.
sekadar berkongsi pandangan saya yang tidak seberapa.
p/s: saudara ialah seorang yang mementingkan kebenaran, seorang yang kreatif, tenang, bersifat pemimpin tetapi dalam sesetengah hal, mungkin kurang kesabaran.
sekadar menghuraikan power of attraction dalam fikiran saya...
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