Lets us assume that PAS, representing the PR will win this N11 election. God’s will and of course, the happiest amongst all would be their supporters and followers, takbir and tahlil will be echoing in the streets of Permatang Pasir, symbolizing the ‘victory’ of Islam. Or is it?
Reality in PR, PKR is leading the coalition. As we can see, DAP stands as the right hand-man for PKR, upholding the legacy of pure democratic and liberalism, not too harsh to add in, anti-Islam. Aside that, we can still recall within the 12th GE, the President of PKR himself declared bluntly and clearly that ‘I will not entertain to any demand for Islamic state, racial state…’. Well, that makes them quite a pack. Only 1 reason that shows they have the similarities and made them dear to each other, that is ‘emotionally ultra hatred towards the ruling government’ and that’s all. In spite of the bribery, poverty, ISA issues, there are other issues that Muslim voters should re-consider before even polluting their hands by voting. Beer and alcohol issues, streetdance issues, hudud and Islamic law issues, the ‘no islam ideas’ in pakatan issues, and the most crucial crucifying issues for the Muslims is, the never ending life-span of the lord Reid’s holy words, the constitution.
Few cases that the Mukhlisin should take into consideration before preaching victory are :
- Will the Muslim party lead the nation or will the more liberal party, which is clearly noticed that the liberals are leading the coalition, not the Muslims
- Will then when PR overthrown the ruling, will the mukhlisin be heard and given the chance? Or then, they will be opposing the opposition coalition?
- Of course, being optimist, if let say they are leading the coalition, then how will it be? From the Islamic State Document published previously, it is clearly stated that they will hold dear to Lord Reid’s holy words with some slight changes (if its suitable).
- In the Islamic State document, stated that they will cooperate with the United Nations in order to sustain peace whatsoever. Anybody recall who gives the authority to the Jewish to occupy the land of the Isra?
- Will then, after taking the office of former govt, the mukhlisin will be able to prohibits all the haram's in Islam such as beer, prostitution, gambling, closing down the casinos in genting, and upholding hudud, takzir, jinayat, mukhallafat, iqtisadi, ijtima'ie etc is something POSSIBLE, or impossible? Well, we're living in democratic country, and the mukhlisin said that they will ensure that democracy lives cos "it's part of Islam". So we'll give them a chance to cast vote in upholding hudud and banning beers in the parliament. Being optimistic, we know that now, actually the mukhlisin are facing 5 political enemies which does not favor Islam at every angle that is the BN, PKR and DAP. So, i dont know. Will through democracy, let them to win vote in the parliament and uphold Islam? or again, its just another sad story of the castrated mukhlisin, made to impotent by their own system of choice.
Hear yee, hear yee, we, the people of democracy, living in a democratic state, amongst the other democratic nations believe and always believe that democracy will bring us nowhere. Democracy will take our rights, will deceive our daughters and sons, will torn apart the flesh of our brothers and sister, and will continuously let Muslims be humiliated and Islam, treated as another samawi faith. When will us, the mukhlisin be heard? Or when will we, actually listen to the calls of truth and dakwah? Or we really, really do not have any choice than what Reid's had offered us?
Winston Churchill, former president of another democratic nation stated before "Give them a toy and they'll play with it." Reid gave us democracy and his holy words, and not suprisingly, we, the grandchildren of The Guided Khulafa playing with Reid's toy till death do us apart.
Owh brothers and sisters, i dont dread democracy and Reid's holy words. Just ask you out there to think, owh sons and daughters of Adam, khaira ummah. Are you eligible for Reid's holy words? Or there is the highest most supreme holy words from above that we should obey, than continuously obeying words of a dead blasphemed/heretic man from UK? Are you sons and daughters of Adam, so righteous to dictate others using your own brain-made system? Or actually since the beginning of life, the only right bestowed upon sons and daughter of Adams are the rules of Allah, The Almighty from above?
Brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of Adam, either in Permatang Pasir, Birmingham, Uttar Pradesh, Dhaka, Jogja etc, winning is actually loosing. It's part of Reid's game, whenever and whereever we are.If we win, we'll rule according to Reid's rule. If we loose, we'll be ruled according to Reid's rule.Winning and loosing in the Reid's ring. We will not be free, we will never be free unless The Rights Of Allah as the whole Quran and Sunnah bestowed upon us.
as i said earlier in my blog, UMNO, PAS, DAP, PKR or whatsoever it is, in reality are just (unhappy) siblings, and secular democracy is their tyrant mother.
does anybody realized the so-called 'islamic' party @ PAS existance just by the mercy of british colonial master? why our bitterest enemy was so kind and benovelent toward an 'islamic' movement? the answer is simple, because of democracy.
yes, in order to get western secular democracy working in our country. therefore PAS is an integral and essential part of democracy. so they allowed ROS, by the means of secular man-made law, to register PAS in 1951. if you see the original copy of the certificate it still bears the seal of british administration, signature by english administrator.
if we look into history of british colonial rules, this what i called 'eleminating, faking, duplicating and replacing' process happened in every Muslim majority country, which began in india, where british eliminate the righteous Khilafah Movement and replacing it with fake duplication called pan-indian islamic movement, led by secular mohd ali jinnah.
so what can we expect from PAS? we already witnessing failures after failures in term of deliver their election promised, let alone uphold true Islam as commanded by Allah and Rasul. end of the day Islam for them is just a tool to secure their political mileage.
for me, PAS, UMNO or any party using democratic means are just the same.
one more thing, as you said, now PAS already have enemies from BN and PR as well. that make two fronts war. the third prong attack, the third front will be open when PAS admitting non-muslim wing, thanks to the 'mursyidul hamPAS', which he craving so much to have those kuffar into their fold.
see how democracy design to weaken us Muslims, and let the kuffar dominating us.
HT - a hidden agenda by Freemason/Illuminati?
Semasa kemuncaknya NAZI, Hitler mendapat support kewangan dari Rothchild (Freemason/Zionist) , tanpa kewangan yang besar dari yahudi tersebut Hitler tak akan mampu membentuk tentera dengan cepat dan Besar.
Persoalan macam mana HT dapat menghimpun pengikut terlalu ramai dalam jangka masa singkat, dari mana sumber kewangan HT, kenapa HT mengambil jalan demontrasi yang menjadi sebahagia dari komponen demokrasi, walhal HT amat menentang demokrasi yang bersifat jahiliah dan sesat.
Adakah HT bertujuan mengalihkan perhatian terhadap Panji Hitam dari Timur. Yang Jelas makain ramai terikut, tanpa kajian sebenarnya terhadap HT
Banyak persoalan tidak terjawab tentang HT tersebut .... tetapi yang jelas HT malaysia bersifat menarik penyokong dan Ahli PAS supaya keluar dari PAS kerana alasan PAS tidak Islamic menyertai demokrasi, Pelbagai kata kejian di lempar terhadapa PAS, tetapi mereka tidak mengutuk UMNO.
Seolah ada agenda melambatkan kebangkitan Umat Islam di negara-negara umat Islam.
Ada perbezaan dalam hendak menggulingkan Kerajaan Negara dengan mahu memperjuangkan Agama Allah. Mengguling kan Kerajaan Negara bersifat pemerintahan bersempadan. Perjuangan Agama Allah bersifat bebas dari sempadan
The Truth
terima kasih kerana memberikan muqaddimah yang begitu prejudis.
demonstrasi aman atau masyiirah adalah sunnah Rasulullah, dan bukannya elemen demokrasi. sila rujuk sirah nabawiyah, semasa seruan dakwah terang-terangan dan penampakan kutlah Islam kepada msykt jahiliyah.
bagaimana gerakan2 lain mendapat dana? bagaimana ikhwanul muslimin mendapat dana? bagaimana PAS mendapat dana? bagaimana tabligh mendapat dana? bagaimana gerakan2 ini berkembang pesat keseluruh dunia? adakah dengan bergerak, berkembangnya sesebuah gerakan, maka dengan senang kita menjustifikasi gerakan itu didalangi pihak yahudi? persoalannya saya rasakan anda mampu menjawabnya dengan akal yang waras(dengan mengkaji,meneliti fakta), dan bukannya persoalan dan spekulasi songsang tidak berasas.
tidak kutuk UMNO? kutuk PAS? sebagai muslim, muhasabah adalah wajib. bukan kutukan. kutukan adalah cercaan tanpa memberikan solusi. muhasabah adalah teguran serta solusi dari sudut pandang Islam. SIla rujuk www.mykhilafah.com untuk tgk sama ada adakah kita bersifat berat sebelah, ataupun menegur untuk kebenaran. setiap permasalahan umat yang berlaku, ditegur dengan dalil yang sahih dan diberi solusi dari sudut pandang Islam. Bukannya mengata tak tentu hala mengikut emosi.
benar, memperjuangkan agama Allah haruslah bersifat global. oleh sebab itu, HT ada hampir diseluruh negara kaum muslimin, menyeru supaya kaum muslimin bersatu dibawah 1 negara dan 1 pemerintahan.
sila search dlm youtube, cari video muktamar ulama nasional, dan khilafah konferens internasional.
diharapkan jawapan saya dpt membebaskan saudara dari tuduhan tidak berasas serta salah tanggap yang saya kira dangkal disulam emosi yang melampau.
jika ingin berhujjah, berhujjah dengan ilmu dan dalil serta berdepan. bukannya di belakang dan baling batu sembunyi tangan.
terima kasih diatas lontaran yang sungguh tidak berasas dan emosional. semoga Allah memberikan hidayah kepada saudara.
sama-sama kasih..
bersama2 ini disertakan link untuk dibuat kajian dan usul yg mendalam ttg HT.
Perhatikan gambar Helang Horus yang menjadi simbol Amerika terdapat dalam filem ini ...
aku juga berdoa agar kita semua ditunjuki ALLAH atas jalan yg lurus...mudah2an...
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